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We are a church affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination:
Although we are linked with the CC (DoC), we own our own property and make independent decisions via an elected board consisting of Elders/Deacons/Jr. Deacons and members at large in the congregation.  We also receive a variety of support resources from the Disciples Regional Office.

More information about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is available online at www.disciples.org.  More information about Disciples in Kentucky is available in the church office or online at www.ccinky.net. 

We observe and practice two ordinances:
We serve Communion each week and on other special occasions. There are no restrictions on participating.

We baptize by immersion.  We also accept the form of baptism from other churches and do not require re-baptism for membership.

We are ecumenical:
Our membership is made up from people who grew up in the denomination, people who made their profession of faith and were baptized here, as well as people who have transferred from other churches, i.e. Southern Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Independent Christian Churches, Lutheran, Church of Christ and other churches.

We participate with other churches for joint worship services.  We are a member of the Kentucky Council of Churches.  The denomination has established a covenant with the United Church of Christ and shares many joint ministries including missionaries both in the United States and around the world.

We strive for equal opportunity in all areas:
Children have a special time during morning worship.  Older youth are included in the lay leadership on Sundays and also serve as Junior Deacons and have a voice on church business. Women serve in leadership positions at all levels and as Elders in the church.  We recognize the ordination of women in the ministry.

We consider music to be a vital part of worship:
The pipe organ is the only pipe organ in Owen County and was installed in 1918.  We utilize both piano and organ in worship service.  There is an opportunity to sing in the choir.  We have both a children’s choir and an adult choir.

We have a variety of worship services:
Worship each Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Community Christmas Eve, Blessing of Children, Youth, and Holy Humor Sunday are among the types of worship services conducted at FCC.

We have various opportunities for local, national and international outreach:
Project graduation, Owen Co. Ministerial Association, Owen Co. Community Services, Owen Co. Clothing Store, disaster relief, and special requests.  We take five special offerings during the year; Week of Compassion, Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  These offerings include outreach to the poorest of
poor, emergency relief, new church starts, educational institutions, regional work, homes for children and older adults, plus much more.
Detailed information can be obtained in the church office or by the links already listed.

We have a variety of church programs:
Sunday School classes, Vacation Bible School, church camps, bible studies, opportunities for volunteer work, carry-in dinners, parties, and special events.

We are working to remove any barrier to worship and activities:
A new sound system has been installed and individual assisted hearing devices allow those with hearing impairment to hear anywhere in the church.  Access to the church has been initiated and more ramps are scheduled to be built.  There is a committee actively working with architects to improve facilities even more.

1855 – Owenton Christian Church founded – services held in homes and courthouse.

1869  & 70 – Lot purchased to build church and church built.

1893 – Bro. Donaldson hired as the preacher at $950 per year – amount to be collected by subscription.

1914 – Church destroyed by fire.

1915 – Present Sanctuary built.  Stained glass windows installed $495 (now priceless).

1918 – Dedication of pipe organ on Easter Sunday.

1920 – Church shows religious films at Dixie Theater. Some in town disapproves.

1940 – Dedication of addition, the second floor added.

1949 – Dedication of annex and basement.

1955 – 100th Anniversary – Mattie Young oldest member with 70 years of service.

1983 – Incorporation of Church name changed to First Christian Church.

2001 – Bourne House purchased.

2003 – Architectural Consultation from Board of Church Extension. Bourne House was taken down.

2005 – Congregation approves hiring Pearson & Peters Architects. By the middle of 2009, we hope to have completed a renovation of the center section of the church which will include a new fellowship hall and an entrance into the sanctuary without any steps or ramps.

In October 2005 the church celebrated 150 years as a congregation. There were services each night with great attendance.  Several former ministers and members returned to be a part of the celebration.

2007  –   Capital Campaign launched to raise money to renovate the center section of the church.  The Board of Church Extension of the Christian Church (DoC) assisted with materials and consultation.

2008   –  Renovation began in August to raise the center portion of the church and build back into its place a more flexible space for the congregation plus a new church office.

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